Select Key Word or Key Verse
You may build your Bible study by selecting a key word or key verse that you desire to study.
We would like to introduce you to two tools that will assist you: Bible Gateway and Treasury of Scripture Knowledge.
You may build your Bible study by selecting a key word or key verse that you desire to study.
Put that word in the Bible Gateway search box located at the top of this page. This will provide you with several verses. Each day, select one of the verses from the search and read the corresponding chapter that includes that verse.
Select a key verse and build a scripture search from that one verse. Select the verse and search for it by clicking on The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge button located at the top of this page. From this, you can identify key verses that support your main verse. You may select one of the verses per day and read the corresponding chapter.
Why would you want to Build your own Bible Study?
Our overall goal at FirstPen is to allow Gods word to change (transform) your life. (Spiritual Knowledge! - KNOW)
Our vision is to help others succeed in their daily spiritual walk. (Spiritual Growth! - GROW)
Our strategy is to encourage and equip believers to pursue intimacy with Jesus Christ and to influence others. (Spiritual Walk/Talk! - SHOW)
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Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway